Our wide range of pelagic fish

Trio Bar Mare Ltd, can offer very good quality blue fish, with emphasis on the queen among them certainly takes the Adriatic sardine. There is inevitably mackerel, anchovie etc. Products are packed in Styrofoam and plastic crates from 6kg with fresh or frozen fish at -22 C. degree.

  • Pilchard Latin name: Clupea pilchardus. Description: It belongs to the family herring. These fish are slender shape, large and thin shell that is easily removed - Fins them tight and tiny. They have only one dorsal fin. Back their greenish - blue and silvery flank. Live in flocks in the open sea. Type belongs is about 200 species and subspecies. Pilchard has a protruding lower jaw, a large shell and the dorsal fin is almost completely severed. It grows on average by 12-15 cm and some Atlantic species up to 25 cm. Lifestyle: Living in flocks which sometimes have enormous proportions. It feeds on worms, mollusks and fish eggs. It resides in the Mediterranean and the Canary Islands to the Norwegian coast in the north. In the Mediterranean to spawn throughout the year, and in other seas in the spring and summer. Gastronomic qualities : Highly sensitive fish to be prepared just as fresh. While there are clear about fresh, stiff body and a special silver- icy glare. It can be marinated and preserved in oil, and is usually saved by frying in oil or grilled.
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  • Mackerel Mackerel( Scomber scombrus ) is a saltwater fish of the family ( Scombridae ). Mackerel is considered the finest blue fish of the Adriatic. It abounds in healthy fatty acids, the soft flesh and bones, so it is very popular. Mackerel has a spindle-shaped body, narrow at the top of the head, which extends to the middle of the body and re- narrowing towards the tail fin. Caudal fin is thrown at the top and bottom and in the middle is deeply carved. Small shell to the tail are all smaller. Back her greenish-brown color intersected by vertical dark lines. The sides of the body are the colors of pearl, and the belly is white. Mackerel in Adriatic grow up to 50 cm and almost up to 1 kg. Her average length 15-20 cm and weighs around 0.7 kg. Atlantic mackerel grow up to 3 pounds and is estimated to live up to 15 years residing in the Atlantic Mackerel from the Canary Islands to the coast of Norway, and rarely in the Baltic Sea. It can also be found in the Mediterranean, including the Adriatic. It also inhabits the west coast of North America, but also in the Pacific. Although the 90s 20th century almost entirely disappeared from the Adriatic Sea, recently observed higher migration arrivals mackerel in the summer so that once again become an important part of economic catch .. Mackerel lives as a migratory fish and moves in the heat. Predator that feeds on various sea critters, sardines, anchovies, shrimps and other small fish. Mackerel with mackerel is the only Adriatic meckerel that feeds and filtering plankton. At the time of spawning mackerel are moving closer to the coast. Across the Mediterranean, and in the Adriatic, mackerel spawn in March and April, and in the Atlantic from June to August. The female after spawning throws to 500,000 eggs [ 3 ]. Already after one week from the eggs pass into the small fish that grow very quickly. Mackerel reach sexual maturity until the third year of life . .
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  • Anchovy Anchovy ( Engraulis encrasicolus lat.) or European anchovy is one of the most important fish in the food chain of the sea. With us is also called anchovy. It belongs to the family Engraulidae or anchovies. Greenish blue color from below his belly is lighter, color and appearance is similar to the sardine, it is much slimmer and slightly shorter, has a pointy head and larger eyes. He lives in flocks, at depths up to 400 m, grows up to 20 cm in length. It feeds on plankton, and the food is all important predators. The life span of his three years. To be fished by purse seine nets, and sardines. It is very tasty fish, prepared in many different ways, with us is regarded as the best fish for salting. Due to the high content of omega - 3 fatty acids, and other oily fish, is recommended for food, especially for children. Anchovies can be found in the eastern Atlantic, from the south of Norway, all the way to South Africa. It is widespread in the whole of the Mediterranean, including the Adriatic, Black and Azov Seas. There are conflicting reports about his presence in the Baltics.
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  • Bonito Atlantic bonito ( Sarda sarda ) is a saltwater fish of the family Scombridae. Croatia is also known as shepherdess, polamida, poland. Bonito has elongated spindle-shaped body with a long conical head on the top of which are large and small mouth full of sharp teeth . Lives up to 6 years. Her body is like in other Scombridae dark colors and elongated tail fin. Over backs have shown dark stripes laid over at an angle, how is it different from a relative. It grows up to 70 cm and up to 9 kg. Her body is covered with small scales. Bonito habitat along the coast of the eastern Atlantic and from Oslo, Norway to Port Elizabeth in South Africa, along the western Atlantic coast of Canada through Florida's coast of the United States, northern Gulf of Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, south to the shores of the Amazon River in northern Argentina. Its habitat is in the Mediterranean and Black Sea. This species occurs along the entire coast , and slightly more frequent in its southern parts. Bonito live in large flocks. Sometimes they linger in the ducts or in coastal waters, enclosed bays and inlets and near oily fish, but most do not have a permanent residence, but traveling the high seas. Bonito is very fast predator that feeds on other blue fish, mostly sardines, sprats, anchovies and small mackerel. Sexual maturity is reached between the second and third year of life. It spawns during May and June. Bonito is considered the most frequently caught fish important for the fish industry in Croatia. Catch this highly sought after fish in the Adriatic Sea has been declining every year since bonito fish in large quantities. Their flesh is very tasty.
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  • Auxis rochei Auxis rochei- is a resident of the entire Adriatic. Like other pelagic fish, and he is constantly on the move, which means that no permanent residence, nor can specify the areas in which the densely populated. Autumn, especially October, when the time is Auxis rochei frequently hunted. Good catch and spring, and individual specimens can be caught throughout the year. His body is spindle-shaped, elongated and strong, slightly flattened at the hip. At the conical head emphasized pointed mouth, which hides the jaw with a multitude of tiny teeth. From a prominent tail fins, which has the shape of a crescent moon, which gives fast and rotating swimmers, and it is characteristic of all fish from the family mackerel , which must include TurboTax. Paint the body from the top of his dark blue, with dark almost black oblong spots. The wing becomes bluish, while its lower part silvery . Body shape, and to some extent the color , Auxis rochei is similar bonito, distinguished by the scales that TurboTax has the head to the middle of the body. Maximum grows up to 50 inches long and 4 pounds, while the average weight of copies around two pounds , and the length between 20 and 40 centimeters. TurboTax is a resident of the entire Adriatic. Like other pelagic fish, and he is constantly on the move, which means that no permanent residence, nor can specify the areas in which the densely populated. In the autumn months often encountered in the northern Adriatic, especially in the Kvarner region and the Bay, and in the spring of staying along the coast of the southern Adriatic. On the open sea, live in larger groups, which are approaching the shore break. It can be said that the coastal species. It is spread fish, a resident of the three oceans - the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific, and the whole Mediterranean. Experts point out that it is a highly migratory species, and some permanent hunting difficult to speak. His migration conditional on a quest for food, and food is a small selection of fish, crustaceans and cephalopods. Autumn, especially October, when the weather is more likely to catch turbot. Good catch and spring, and individual specimens can be caught all year. The commercial fishing catches are circular nets, more seining, and less for those little blue fish.
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  • Sirun Sirun ( lat. Trachurus trachurus ) is a fish that belongs to the family strongholds ( Carangidae ). This is one of the three types in the Adriatic Sea, is also the most abundant. It has an elongated body, slightly flattened laterally. It grows up to 70.0 cm in length and up to 2 kg. His head is slightly elongated with elongated lower jaw. His eyes are large, and the inside of the mouth has tiny teeth that can be found on the jaw, tongue and palate. There's a darker side stripe and long pectoral fins. Caudal fin is distinctly Y-. Blue-green in color towards the belly becomes silvery white . It can be found from the internal channels to a depth of 1000 meters , although usually at depths of 200 m is exceptional predator , feeding on small fish , shellfish , crustaceans , cephalopods . It spawns from November to May , the most intense in April and May . The first sexual maturity occurs when the length of 15-18 cm, or next to the first year of life . This species lives on the eastern shores of the Atlantic, from Norway, and to South Africa, and the coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean all the way to Mozambique. It is present throughout the Mediterranean, Marmara and Black Sea.